International business opportunities
Are you seeking to launch or expand your business on an international market? In Linköping you’ve got the possibility of using the municipality's long standing international relations and recurring international visits, as a way to get started or deepening your existing ventures.
We live in a globalised world, characterised by increased mobility for people, products and services. This presents new business opportunities but also new demands. Linköping municipality can ease the way for you to gain contacts and insights to the international markets that interest you.
Put our contacts to work
When you want to start doing business internationally or enter a new market, you’ve got a lot to gain by contacting us. We have long-standing relations with a number of different countries and cities around the world, which we invite you to use. Perhaps we’ve got a contact at precisely the right place.
International delegations to Linköping
Linköping Municipality regularly invites representatives from other countries and the majority of these visits are industry-related. During the visits, the municipality showcases the region’s areas of strengths and also invites a few local businesses to present themselves. In exchange, those businesses get tips and insights from the delegation to help them move forward with their international ventures, and advice on which organisations and agencies they might benefit from talking to.
Participating local businesses vary and depend on the priorities and interests of the delegations.
The international visits to Linköping are organised in cooperation with local and regional organisations including, for example, the provincial and regional government, Business Sweden, the East Sweden Chamber of Commerce, Linköping University and other municipalities in Östergötland.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions on which countries or organisations that should be invited to Linköping, or if you would like to attend a future visit.
Visit the world with us
When we visit other parts of the world you have the chance as a local business to join us. These trips are organised together with political representatives, who often are the delegation leaders. Joining us gives you the opportunity to make new contacts and expand your network, which can be difficult from back home. If there’s a particular business you would like to visit on the trip, we’ll do our best to give you a foot in the door.
You pay for your own costs connected to the trip.
Contact us
If you’re interested in making use of our contacts, joining a visit, or learning more about expanding outside of Sweden, you are welcome to get in touch.
We are happy to receive input from you and your business on which countries or organisations that should be invited, and which markets are of interest to you.

Senior Business Development Officer, International Affairs and Collaborations Business Development Office
Till e-postformulär för Katrin Englund
E-post: [email protected]
Telefon: +46 13-26 36 60